Plot: Ok a few years back an obviously drunk Gary Beusy starred in a cheap rip off of Child's Play in fact even a rip off of Jack Frost, no not the Michael Keaton movie, but strangely was the most entertaining movie Full Moon pictures had put out in years, trusts me they have made alot of terrible films. The story is your basic twisted fairy tale of a serial killer that died and by the hands of his witch mother had his soul placed into that of a ginger bread man. Now this ginger bread man is out for revenge and is hacking and slashing armed with an endless supply of bakery based puns to spew out after ever kill. Well like all thinks that are crap a sequel has been thrust upon us. An overworked film crew all with their own need for therapy are working late at the Cheatum studios, which is a walking metaphor for Full Moon films the company responsible in real life. The Cheatum crew are in the midst of butchering another Tiny Terror movie, which makes reference to the terrible sequels of Puppet Masters of Demonic Toys and the sort. As the crew bumble around the freshly "RE"baked Gingerdead man has snuck his way into the studio. The Gingerdead man is sneaking around knocking off the most cliché of horror movie victims in hope to work an evil spell of transmogrification. The sub plot or infact more the main plot is a dieing boy who's last wish is to visit Cheatum studios. This boy ends up, very obviously, being a ruse and actually wants to destroy the studio. The confrontation between the studio head and the boy is hilarious for anyone who grew up on Full Moon movies because it's honestly trying to excuse Full Moon's awful films and not very subtly. Action packed ending with many evil puppets and a very unnecessary Passion of the Christ reference. The only real reason to see this is if you grew up on Full Moon movies like me and laugh unintentionally at all the self references and lame attempts to justify them selves. Also the Ginger dead man, you saw him before better when he was called Chucky or even Jack Frost but his puns are that of the type so bad it;s good.
Gingerbread man sized chainsaws : 1
Evil Puppets called Shit for Brains : 1
Boobs: No nudity but yikes this one old has been scream queen has some very dangerous HUGE boobs.
Actual midgets : 1
Kills: 7
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