Wednesday, February 17, 2010



Great sub title "The Wrestling movie". Guess they figure no one else would ever do a movie about wrestling. HHmmm . Grunt is the Spinal Tap of Wrestling. As if Wrestling wasn't the Spinal Tap of sports already. I love wrestling and you all know it. Grunt however, it's even more of a required taste. It's a MOCKumentary about a wrestler that's gone into hiding right when he was at the top of his game. After a terrible in ring accident involving a be heading his opponent while caught in the ropes, wrestling superstar MAD DOG has gone into hiding. Many think Mad Dog is dead but the director of this documentary is determined to prove that new up and comer THE MASK is actually Mad Dog in disguise. Cameos from long forgotten southern super old school stars like Dick Murdoch and Dan Spivey. Some wild yet looooong women's wrestling matches added in with very unattractive women and a final Battle Royale that reminds me of the end of Nacho Libre. After seeing The Wrestler this movie will seem like an insult to fans but for fans of cheesie ass B movies this is wacko story telling with bad bad BAD acting at it's finest. It feels like the Stunt Rock of Wrestling, what's Stunt Rock? Yeesh that's a whole other story.

The weirdest thing is this film makes it seem like some people thought wrestling was real and that they were being witty. Am I just too into wrestling to find this funny? Wow I am a dork! Vince Mcmahon would be proud. Sadly not enough Luchadores in this movie though.

Drinking game, chug your beer everytime some one says a wrestling move or talks about the "good old days".

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